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Harnessing Data's Power

The WVU Office of Data and Analytics provides a series of analytics and reports to better understand the University’s strengths, as well as its opportunities for change.  With the power of data, our leaders are better informed when planning, implementing and evaluating strategies.

Explore Our Data


Check out these data highlights. Find more on our Reports & Analytics page.

a group of people walking to the door

25,900+ Students

WVU system-wide enrollment

Fall 2024

Enrollment Overview Dashboard

New students and their parents attend day two of NSO sessions at the Lair Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Students and parents learn all of the important information needed before moving in in August to start their college careers.

6,806 Degrees 

WVU system-wide degrees completed (AY2023-24)

Fall 2023

Degrees Completed Overview Dashboard

Blooming rhododendrons at Purinton House frame the entrance to E. Moore Hall Tuesday, May 7, 2024. (WVU Photo/Jennifer Shephard)

83% Retention Rate

WVU Main Campus freshman to sophomore retention

Fall 2024

Retention & Graduation Overview Dashboard See More Student Outcomes


Our office conducts routine data extracts and submissions throughout the course of the year. Here are some key dates we track. Check back often to see what's coming.

  1. MARCH 20

    Enrollment projections due

  2. MARCH 30

    HEPC Spring Beginning of Term files due

  3. APRIL 1

    Student Achievement Measures (SAM) due

  4. APRIL 2

    IPEDS Spring Cycle due

  5. APRIL 4

    HLC Institutional Update due


Being Good Data Stewards for Our University

Learn how we organize, store, leverage and govern WVU's data to ensure that it is accurate, timely and easily accessible.

Managing Data Assets